Privacy Policy

Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy is committed to providing our clients and visitors with websites and online services that respect their privacy. This page summarizes the privacy policy and practices for all official Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy websites.

Our websites do not automatically gather any personal information from you, such as your name, phone number, or email address. This information is only obtained if you provide it voluntarily, through contacting us via email or through an online form. Any information that you choose to provide will be protected in accordance with applicable privacy legislation and Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy policies and procedures.

Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy will only use your personal information for the stated purposes for which it was collected, unless you provide consent otherwise. Your personal information will only be disclosed to or accessed by Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy employees with a need to know in relation to the purposes for which it was collected. Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy will not sell or rent your personal information to any third parties.

Information gathered automatically

Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy’s web servers log some information about Internet traffic on our web pages. While we make no attempt to link the information captured to the identity of individual visitors, these logs capture aggregate, generic, non-personal identifying information about visitors such as:

  • The Internet domain and Internet Protocol (“IP”) address from which you access our websites
  • The type of browser and operating system used
  • The date and time you access our websites
  • The uniform resource locator (URL) of the pages you visit
  • If you linked to one of our websites from another website, the address of that website
  • Your general geographic location

We use this information to help us make our websites more useful to our audiences by learning about the number of visitors, and by monitoring traffic patterns and the types of technology our visitors use. We do not track or record information about specific individuals and their visits.

In some cases, the Internet domain or IP address of visitors could allow for individual identification, depending on the naming standards followed by your Internet service provider. If this concerns you, you may wish to ask them about their policies and practices.
Visitor information is not disclosed to anyone except Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy personnel who need the information for legitimate business purposes such as responding to a request.

Information collected in e-mails and web forms

Should you choose to provide us with personal information — as in an email or by filling out an electronic form and submitting it to us through our website — we will use that information to respond to your request.


A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred (through your browser) from a website to the hard drive of your computer. The cookie identifies your browser and will NOT let a website know any personal information about you, such as your name and address. Since cookies are only text files, they cannot run on your computer, search your computer for other information or transmit any information to anyone.

Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy may use cookies to:

  • Monitor website usage and improve the operation and performance of our websites to make them easier and more convenient to use; for example, cookies help us remember who you are through your browser settings so that we can offer and provide more personalized services (e.g. language preference).
  • Save passwords and preferences for you so that you will not have to re-enter them the next time you visit a website.
  • Measure aggregate user traffic and demographic statistics related to the websites (e.g. number of users, average time spent, average age and similar statistics). This information helps us to better understand when to update, change or offer new services and provides us with details as to the performance of third party advertisements and content.
  • Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy and third party advertising providers used by Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy may use cookies when serving advertisements.

If you are concerned about the use of cookies, you can refer to the help information in your browser software for information on how to disable cookies. If you wish to delete cookies from your machine, consult your browser’s help files for instructions on how to do so.

Links to other sites

Our websites may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content and the privacy practices of other websites.

Groups and forums

If you participate in a discussion forum, chat room or webinar, you should be aware that the information you provide there will be made broadly available to others, potentially inside or outside the forum, who have access to that discussion forum or chat room. Also, please recognise that individual forums and chat rooms may have additional rules and conditions. Each participant’s opinion on a forum or chat room is his or her own and should not be considered as reflecting the opinion of Grace Lever.

Please be advised that for any forums or Webinars you attend, recordings can be enabled by a meeting or webinar host. By signing up for any of our webinar services or otherwise using them in any way, including without limitation by attending any Cathrine Yuill Philanthropy webinar, you expressly acknowledge that we may make and store Recordings for meetings or webinars, and may make such recordings available to hosts and other Attendees at the direction of Cathrine Yuill. If you do not want to be recorded, you can choose to leave the meeting or webinar.

Direct marketing materials

We may send you direct marketing communications and information about our services that we consider may be of interest to you.  These communications may be sent in various forms, including mail, SMS and email, in accordance with applicable marketing Laws.  If you indicate a preference for a method of communication, we will endeavour to use that method whenever practical to do so. 

In addition, at any time you may opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us by selecting “unsubscribe” in and email or by contacting us at [email protected] and we will then ensure that your name is removed from our subscription/mailing list.

We do not provide your personal information to other organisations for the purposes of direct marketing.

Security and data quality

We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is protected from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

We strive to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personal information that you submit to us through our website. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure. We endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information you may transmit to us or from our online products and services. Once we do receive your transmission, we will also make our best efforts to ensure its security on our systems.

In addition, our employees and the contractors who provide services related to our information systems are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by us.

We may hold your information in either electronic or hard copy form. Personal information is destroyed or de-identified when no longer needed or when we are no longer required by Law to retain it (whichever is the later).

How long do you retain my personal data for?

We will only keep your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

By Law we have to keep basic information about our customers (including Contact, Identity, Financial and Transaction Data) for seven years for Canadian tax Law purposes.

In some circumstances we may anonymise your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.


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